How To Maximize Your Warehouse Storage Space

Why You Should Maximize Warehouse Storage Organization

Every inch in your warehouse storage space has a price. You’re losing potential profits if you’re not taking full advantage of your warehouse and its storage space. On the other hand, though, you risk lower efficiency if you use too much storage space. Finding the perfect balance of efficiency and storage space is the holy grail of warehouse operations.

Warehouse Capacity Solutions

When a warehouse reaches 80 to 90% of its maximum storage space, warehouse managers must take immediate action because warehouse space is vital and operations can’t afford to waste it. Optimizing and organizing your warehouse is the only way to deal with this problem, however, it can be a challenging task.

Here are some space utilization techniques and warehouse solutions your facility can put into practice.

Increasing Vertical Space

You can’t take up more floor space, staging areas, and essential areas of the warehouse, limiting the mobility of workers and material handling equipment. Raising the vertical parameters of a storage space is a practical warehouse organization idea.

You can increase your storage space by raising your stacked height of pallet racks or industrial shelving. Your warehouse engineers or technicians will tell you if raising your shelving is doable. Engineers must address safety codes and health risks first, and if structurally possible, they can raise the vertical parameters of the space.

Another warehouse utilization is to install a mezzanine or raised platform above the ground-level workspace. You can add an extra storage layer if the raised area meets all the requirements.

Minimizing Aisle Widths

Creating narrow aisles is another warehouse storage solution. If possible, you can decrease aisle widths by a few inches and create a surprising amount of new space. Narrowing aisles in your warehouse is a simple, cost-effective way to save space.

However, there are some things you should consider. You must know your warehouse layout and how much space you can spare to sacrifice. For example, your narrow-aisle forklifts need to be able to maneuver in those tight spaces. They can’t operate efficiently if the rows are squished too closely together. Also, if the products in an aisle are too massive, workers and machines will have a harder time loading and unloading them.

Warehouse Management System

A warehouse management system (WMS) is a program that clocks your inventory in real-time and can tell you where to store and unload products. These digital storage systems keep warehouses operating smoothly, safely, and efficiently.

A WMS can decide if your warehouse is more efficient with an in-first, out-first model, an in-first, out-last model, or any other method. Here are some other things that a WMS can help you with:

Warehouse Storage and Inventory Management

  • Track and locate inventory within the warehouse, facility, or database
  • Manage warehouse space and plan storage operations
  • Handle inbound receipts
  • Schedule product rotation and shipping
  • Manage outbound order loading and route planning
  • Schedule and carry out inventory counts

Work Creation and Execution

  • Plan work operations by area and task
  • Manage, assess, and reroute labor by activity and area
  • Create, execute, and manage work assignments
  • Direct outbound and inbound tasks

Reporting and Analytics

  • Access inventory and storage data
  • Evaluate work, area, and assignment tasks
  • Access warehouse labor productivity and performance
  • Prepare order statuses
  • Assess equipment and automated processes

Add-Ons and Storage Containers

You can rent a storage container if you know your warehouse is receiving extra products for a specified amount of time. It’s not a long-term solution, but extra storage space can alleviate issues during holidays or events where inventory may increase.

You can also build an outdoor extension to your warehouse if your property can manage it. You can use this space for quickly shipped goods or products that can handle external forces for periods of time.

Does your warehouse need more storage space? HTX Material Handling has storage and warehouse solutions for you. We provide state-of-the-art material handling equipment such as forklifts (electric and internal combustion), electric tugs, aerial lifts, and automated conveyor systems.

We partner with top brands including, Linde, Balo, JLG, and MasterMover, so you get the best material handling equipment. If you need a storage solution, HTX Material Handling is the place. Contact us today.

Implementing Warehouse Automation

Automation is the future of most major industries, including warehouse and material handling. Many warehouse processes can be automated and made more efficient. Computerized functions can automate order picking, storing, and the conveying of products.

Automation allows workers to focus on critical thinking, qualitative attention, and outbound tasks, while reducing human error and potential injury.

Key Points About Maximizing Warehouse Storage

  • Maximizing your warehouse storage space improves efficiency, safety, and bottom lines.
  • Increasing the vertical space of your warehouse can provide more square volume.
  • Decreasing the width between storage shelves can increase horizontal space.
  • Warehouse management systems can assess and identify where to store products and best practices for rotating them.
  • Warehouses can use storage containers and external add-ons for temporary storage during particular seasons and inventory spikes.
  • Automating a warehouse can alleviate storage problems while improving material handling functions.

HTX Material Handling Provides Warehouse Storage Solutions

HTX Material Handling will help you maximize your warehouse storage space. We provide material handling equipment, warehouse solutions, rentals, parts and services, and more.

We have quality brand equipment to boost your efficiency, safety, and productivity in the warehouse.

Our automated systems can unload products from trailers, manufacturing, or processing lines through robotic technology. Automated systems can also be specially programmed to store and retrieve products on demand, allowing employees to focus on more essential tasks and boosting their safety.

HTX Material Handling has your back. Contact us today.

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